Saturday, December 4, 2010

My reach is global. My tower is secure. My cause is noble. My power is pure.

Once again another local band from Denver, The Flobots, consist of six different members: Jonny 5, Brer Rabbit, Mackenzie Roberts, Andy Guerrero, Jesse Walker and Kenny Ortiz; and all are, "dedicated to social action, change and thought."  Jonny 5 and Brer Rabbit first started the Flotbots and soon took in viola player Mackenzie Roberts and guitarist Any Guerrero in 2005. Bassist Jesse Walker and drummer Kenny Ortiz later joined the band to make it what it is today. The Flobots are a genre of their own with funky guitar riffs, heavy bass and drums and a viola to supplement their provoking lyrics. The six musicians started playing around Denver and started to gain a popular following of people who not only love their music, but also believe in social awareness. Their music and push for social change took the Flobots first cd, Fight with Tools, to the charts and produced Top 2 singles for "Handlebars" and "Rise." With this success the Flobots became the most-talked about up and coming band in 2008. Their talent and powerful lyrics landed the Flobots on Late Night Television shoes like The Tonight Show, Conan O'Brien and Carson Daly. Not only did they perform on national televisions but also led anti-war marches in Denver during the Democratic National Convention in Denver, performed in Washington DC on election night and have had extremely successful tours in the United State and Europe.

To make social change more aware in Denver the Flotbots opened Community Center in September 2009 in Denver. This center is their headquarters for community work, which helps with everything from school art programs to voter registration. The Flotbots make sure to keep engaged with their fans through message boards, emails, comments on social networking sites and actual conversations. Andy Guerrero explains, "Talking with the audience before and after shows gives us constant inspiration, and motivation, to keep doing what we do."

Jonny 5 best explains what the band hopes their fans feel while listening to their newest album, Survival Story,  "When people listen to Survival Story we want them to see themselves and their own stories, with all of their complications, questions, and frustrations. Rather than seek to hide them, we chose to embrace and even celebrate them as a part of a global transformation, one in which forces of violence, hopelessness and waste will be composted into fertile soil from which new possibility can grow. We want to leave people with a sense of excitement that a new world is emerging, one which we have the power to shape, that a new story is being written and we must write it together. When the album is over, we want our listeners to walk away with a profound awareness of the cracks in the surface, a deep sense of what’s at stake and a strong resolve to make sure that the new world is one in which loved ones near and far, known and unknown, survive."

For more information visit the Flobots official website or follow them on Facebook and Twitter

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